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Don’t Miss Out!

Generally speaking, there is so much going on all the time on a college campus and its surrounding town. It’s easy to ignore or forget about these events as we all get caught up in our own lives. However, one of the coolest parts about being in school is to have access to all sorts of speakers, concerts, groups, athletic games, etc. Take advantage of this! Most of these events are probably free or low-cost to you as a...

Travel Tips for Students

© Maria Schwartzman 2009   I have traveled to 6 different countries (will be 7 within the next 20 hours) and over a lot of the United States, so I thought I would share some travel tips I’ve gained over the years.  Pack light.  You really don’t need the blow dryer and curling iron. Honestly, though, I pack a minimum number of clothes and accessories so that my suitcase is about half empty. I tend to buy...

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Senior Year Started

Image via WikipediaI’m nearing the end of the first semester of my last year of high school, and the other day I had an existential crisis, which is just business as usual for me. That particular nonsense is over now, but it did give me an opportunity to look back on the past few months, and reflect on what I’ve learned. The big secret key to high school success still stands. You must balance your life to be truly...

More Interesting, Efficient, and Effective Ways to...

As the semester comes to a close, many of us are looking ahead to the dreaded final exams. We have to remember everything from the classes we slept through, read books we never even bought, and somehow convince our bodies that sleep just isn’t that important.Or, we could study less, even have a little fun, and still do well on exams, just by tweaking how we study. As I’ve mentioned before, most people don’t...

Better Brainstorming with a List of 100

As students, we’re constantly brainstorming. Paper topics. Key terms. Cool costumes for parties. You know what I mean. For me, my first idea is rarely my best one. I come up with something atrociously awful, and have to just hope someone tells me it’s a terrible idea. Eventually, after tons of failures, I often happen upon something better. Even still, I don’t always come up with the best idea. I find that...

7 Reasons Why I Love OmniFocus (and Why You Should...

“You can’t expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to be in business tomorrow.” One of the biggest challenges of GTD lies is finding the right tools and system for you. There are many tools available across all platforms, including online. The hardest part is choosing a single tool that fits your personal needs, and ultimately something that you will stick to and not...